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Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download is a poem of regret. Diop reveals that the speakers only realized their mistakes years after their fathers who had warned them had gone. It concerns the African experience with the European invasion. When the Europeans came, the older people knew they did not come with all good. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady warned their children not to give in to their tricks but the children did not listen. Now, the truth is revealing itself. Things are not getting better, but worse by the day.

If we tell, gently, gently

All that we shall one day have to tell,

Who then will hear our voices without laughter,

Sad complaining voices of beggars

Who indeed will hear them without laughter?

In “Vanity”, it comes to a point the persona becomes so pathetic with growing self-pity that they become humble with regret. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady now behave gentle as they tell their sad stories. It happens in the cause of life when they realise their mistakes and begin to call for help like beggars. But at this time, no one is willing to share their predicament. In fact they will be laughed at instead of getting help.

If we cry roughly of our torments

Ever increasing from the start of things

What eyes will watch our large mouths

Shaped by the laughter of big children

What eyes will watch our large mouth?

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady now see so well how they have missed it perhaps out of their stubbornness that they now cry out as they are being tormented. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloadre is no hope of a better future because it seems the sad experience is increasing always. Because it is their fault, they now insult themselves as they refer to themselves as people with large mouths. Though they are no longer children but they cry like children and their mouths look really large. Imagine an adult crying like a child. It is all vanity.

What hearts will listen to our clamouring?

What ear to our pitiful anger

Which grows in us like a tumour

In the black depth of our plaintive throats?

 No matter how hard they try to attract pity, nobody will be willing to give them any attention; hence, “what hearts will listen to our clamouring?” they shout in agony but no heart is touched to help them. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady speak in anger but no one is willing to listen- vanity.

When our Dead comes with their Dead

When they have spoken to us in their clumsy voices;

Just as our ears were deaf

To their cries, to their wild appeals

Just as our ears were deaf

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady did not listen to their ancestors
Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloadir ancestors had warned many years before they were gone, about the looming danger, but the children had given deaf ears. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download older people had pleaded even to the extent of crying but this people won’t listen. Now they are in trouble, and there is no one to turn to; nowhere to run.

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady have left on the earth their cries,

In the air, on the water,

where they have traced their signs for us blind deaf and unworthy Sons

Who see nothing of what they have made

In the air, on the water, where they have traced their signs

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download ancestors have done all that is needed to make the people understand. Because of how clearly and how vividly they have sounded the warnings, it could be said that they wrote on water, air and everywhere. But the people refused to listen. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloadir stubbornness was like blindness and deafness to all the warnings. Now they regretfully consider themselves as “unworthy Sons” of their parents.


And since we did not understand the dead

Since we have never listened to their cries

If we weep, gently, gently

If we cry roughly to our torments

What heart will listen to our clamouring,

What ear to our sobbing hearts?

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady bear the consequence of their actions
Now they just have to bear the consequence of their actions. If only they have listened to the pleas and cautioning of their parents, they would have survived the present predicament. Because they did not listen, even if they cry who will listen? Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady have lost the opportunity. It is too late to cry when the head is off. It is all vanity.

Before you go through this analysis, read “How to Understand Poetry”

Now let us ride on over this piece of poem; “piano and drum” by Gabriel Okara. You should read it first to the end, then try to understand it and get what it is about. On the surface, it may not be making much sense but with close attention you will see the sense in it.

When at break of day at a riverside
I hear the jungle drums telegraphing
the mystic rhythm, urgent, raw
like bleeding flesh, speaking of
primal youth and the beginning
I see the panther ready to pounce
the leopard snarling about to leap
and the hunters crouch with spears poised;

And my blood ripples, turns torrent,
topples the years and at once I’m
in my mother’s laps a suckling;
at once I’m walking simple
paths with no innovations,
rugged, fashioned with the naked
warmth of hurrying feet and groping hearts
in green leaves and wild flowers pulsing.

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloadn I hear a wailing piano
solo speaking of complex ways in
tear-furrowed concerto;
of far away lands
and new horizons with
coaxing diminuendo, counterpoint,
crescendo. But lost in the labyrinth
of its complexities, it ends in the middle
of a phrase at a daggerpoint.

And I lost in the morning mist
of an age at a riverside keep
wandering in the mystic rhythm
of jungle drums and the concerto.

Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download sense in the poem
Does this poem make any sense to you? Maybe it does and maybe only little and maybe not at all. If it looks confusing, maybe we should try looking up some difficult words in the dictionary.


mystic – seeking to know God
primal – primitive
panther – a black leopard
pounce – to attack
snarling – growling
crouch – bend low
concerto –
horizons –
groping –
ripples –
labyrinth –
diminuendo –
counterpoint –
topples –
Do this for the first stanza and read again and try to make some sense.

Take not of the choice of words
Talking about riverside in the morning, jungle drums, primal youth, panther, leopard, hunters and spears should give an idea that the stanza is about a rural setting, a village let’s say. Usually in the villages people go to the stream early in the morning to get water. Perhaps the persona has just done the same, and he hears the sound of drum in the bushes; and drums are sometimes used in the villages to send messages to the people. He “hears the jungle drums telegraphing the mystic rhythm” – a message of urgency and fear about the illiterate villagers who are mostly hunters. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download people are faced with a leopard – a dangerous animal.

I am sure you can now have a picture of villagers, precisely youths, trying to defend themselves against a leopard in the bush in the morning. Now find the meanings of difficult words in stanza two.

Line nine shows the terrible feeling of the person and suddenly, he feels like a baby who cannot help himself because he does not know how. He is confused in this jungle and feeling helpless.

In stanza three he hears “a wailing piano where the singer’s voice is that of weeping and talking about something new that has forced itself into the society to change the original existence.

Stanza four he says he is lost and confused because of the nature of the jungle drum and concerto.

Take note of the imagery
Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download jungle drum represents our traditional society, its culture and experience. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download piano concerto represents the western civilization. It is true that this days, the African society is a mixture of African traditions and western civilization so that people are confused not know how to live the tow. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Downloady find it difficult to hold onto any of the two alone. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download is the position of the persona on the sad note. Civilization has changed our way of life yet it has not left it any better.

How do you feel at this point? Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download poem is simple, is it not?

Now let’s examine the poetic devices Okara has used. You can try that first before you come back and we do it together.

You can notice the flow of idea from line one to line two, what do you call that? It is a run on line. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download writer uses that to break the long whole of idea into smaller parts so the reader can follow easily. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download poem has run-on-line all through.
I hear the jungle drums telegraphing. You may ask; can drums send telegraphs? So, what would we call such expression? “Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download same applies to wailing piano.” Is it personification?
Line 4 – “like bleeding flesh” is an example of simile. Pubg Mobile 0.17 CHEATTW + BYPASS Hack Free Download writer compares the mystic rhythm to a wounded body to make the message of agony very vivid.
“break of day” in line one, shows the repetition of vowel sounds which is an example of assonance. Likewise “jungle drums.”
Alliteration can be seen in “panther …pounce, turns torrent, morning mist”.
Repetition – “at once” is repeated in lines 11 and 13
Metaphor – “my blood ripples”.